

澳门官方娱乐游戏平台, 通过获得负担得起的学术课程, 引领高等教育的卓越和创新, 激励不同的学生改变他们的生活和社区, 带动区域经济发展, 建立全球参与和理解.



Dolores Pasto-Ziobro(联合主席)



Jamia Danzy

临时董事(聘用) & 学生服务


MCC Association, Inc .执行董事.










I. 概述

The Drug Free Schools 和 校园 Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools 和 Communities Act (DFSCA) require an institution of higher education (IHE) such as 澳门官方娱乐游戏平台 (MCC) to certify that it has adopted 和 implemented programs to prevent the abuse of alcohol 和 use of or distribution of illicit drugs by MCC students 和 employees both on its premises 和 as part of any of its activities. At a minimum each institution of higher education must annually distribute the following in writing to all students 和 employees:

  • 明确禁止非法占有的行为标准, 学生和雇员使用或分发非法药物和酒精.
  • 对当地法律制裁的描述, 状态, 非法持有或分发非法毒品和酒精的联邦法律.
  • 任何药物或酒精咨询的描述, 治疗, 或者雇员或学生可以参加的康复或再就业计划.
  • A clear 状态ment that the institution will impose sanctions on students 和 employees 和 a description of those sanctions, 直至并包括开除或终止雇佣和转介起诉.
  • The law further requires that the institution conduct a biennial review of its program with the following objectives:
    1. determining the effectiveness of the policy 和 implementing changes to the alcohol 和 other drug (AOD) programs if they are needed, 和
    2. 确保制定的制裁措施得到执行.

The biennial review must also include a determination as to 1) the number of drug 和 alcohol-related violations 和 fatalities occurring on the campus or as part of their activities that are reported to campus officials 和 2) the number 和 type of sanctions the IHE imposes on students or employees as a result of such violations.

MCC acknowledges its legal obligation to conduct a biennial review for compliance with the Drug-Free Schools 和 Communities Act to determine if the College fulfills the requirements of the aforementioned Federal regulations.


  • 学术服务
  • 管理服务
  • 体育运动
  • 校园活动
  • 咨询中心和残疾服务
  • 卫生服务
  • 住房和居住生活
  • 人力资源
  • 制度研究
  • 机构合规和内部审计
  • 学生生活和领导力发展办公室
  • 学生权利和责任办公室
  • 公共安全
  • 学生服务办公室

MCC’s Biennial Review Committee used the Department of Education’s Complying with the Drug-Free Schools 和 校园 Regulations Guide including the Compliance Checklist 和 Supplemental Checklist to conduct the biennial review. The intention of this document is to meet the legal requirements of conducting a biennial review 和 to also summarize the programs 和 activities related to alcohol 和 drug prevention on 澳门官方娱乐游戏平台’s campuses during the 2016-2017 和 2017-2018 academic years.

II. 世纪挑战集团毒品和酒精预防政策

澳门官方娱乐游戏平台的毒品和酒精预防政策附在附录A. The policy is reviewed on a three-year cycle 和 was last approved by the MCC Board of Trustees on March 7, 2016. As required by The Drug-Free Schools 和 Communities Act the policy contains the following information:

  • 禁止非法占有的行为标准, 在其财产内或作为其活动的一部分使用或分发非法毒品和酒精
  • 说明与使用非法药物和滥用酒精有关的健康风险
  • 地方、州或联邦法律下适用的法律制裁清单
  • 对员工和学生提供的咨询或治疗方案的描述
  • A 状态ment 和 description of the disciplinary sanctions the institution will impose on students 和 employees


所有澳门官方娱乐游戏平台的学生都有责任遵守纽约州的法律, 其中包括以下内容:

  1. 21岁以下人士被发现藏有酒,最高可被罚款50元.
  2. Anyone convicted of fraudulently using a driver’s license to buy or to attempt to buy alcohol may have his driver’s license suspended for up to 90 days.
  3. Persons convicted of buying alcohol through fraudulent means face a possible $100 fine 和/or being required to do up to 30 hours of community service work.

A violation of any 状态 law regarding alcohol is also a violation of the 澳门官方娱乐游戏平台 conduct regulations 和 will be treated as a separate disciplinary matter by the College.

破坏教育环境的行为, 造成公众不便, 烦恼或警报, 或不顾后果地对人身和/或财产造成危险, 尽管是酒精驱使的, 是否违反了法律和学校的行为规范.

Additional policies 和 guidelines which provide information related to alcohol 和 drugs can be found on the following website links as well as in designated offices:

3. 《澳门官方娱乐游戏平台》的分发

The federally m和ated 世纪挑战集团毒品和酒精预防政策 is distributed through the Annual Campus Security 和 Fire 安全 Report to all enrolled students 和 staff 和 is made available to all potential students 和 new employees. 每年, all enrolled students as well as all employees receive an email notification by no later than October 1 of the year describing how to access the report electronically. Prospective students 和 employees are also provided information on accessing the report either electronically or hard copy. 报告的印刷版将分发到每个校区的指定办公室.

The 世纪挑战集团毒品和酒精预防政策 is also available for employees on the Employee Policy Website 和 the College 目录 provides students with information for viewing the Annual Campus Security 和 Fire 安全 Report which contains the policy. 另外, there is a direct link to the 世纪挑战集团毒品和酒精预防政策 on the Student 消费者信息 webpage for prospective students, 父母, 辅导员, 教练, 公众.

IV. 世纪挑战集团的酒精和毒品项目目标

澳门官方娱乐游戏平台 believes that the illegal use of drugs 和 alcohol presents a serious health 和 safety hazard to the college community 和 interferes with educational 和 occupational success. The College fully complies with the Drug-Free School 和 Communities Act of 1989 to prohibit the illegal possession, 在校园内消费和分发毒品和酒精, 在课堂上和学院官方赞助的活动中.